It´s been a while since I’ve promised some of my friends, that I would explain to them what I’ve been doing to try to reach a healthy way of life, and that helped me to lose some weight.
Some of you….. not to say all of you know that I´ve been fat since I born, and also know, that for a long period of my life that really bothered me. Well everything in our life changes, and that also changed, for a while I´ve been feeling a lot better about that. Expanding my horizons….. I would say that it was crucial to solve that “little problem”.
My long way started somewhere around 2007, my weight was 172.900kg so I changed my life in a very dramatic way ( it didn´t work that well), and lost 50 kg. Years later a recovered 30 kg !! (Ught).
Now, I have a different life style, loving me above all, trusting myself, and doing what I want.
Well, let me start talking about what really made me write this, what I´m doing to help me lose weight and, kkkkk…… still carry a beautiful smile on my face. Kkkkkkk! Not my fault…. It´s what they say….. What can I do?
First of all, I accept myself the way I´m! FAT, GORDA, OBESA……. And …… well who cares? I absolutely don´t!
Second I want to be happy, and my target is to find a way to reach it.
I´m not playing ….. my mind is my first ally.
Said that, I´ve been working out …. A lot…….
Is very easy to me to get bored …. So I try to vary…..
Kickboxing, Tae Bo, and so on…….. Cardio is the main modality…….
To have strength to all, is just because i found a gym were I have friends and I´m able to always be HAPPY (crucial)!!!! And also work HARD!!!
Know what you want…..Is really important!
At this point…… I´ve lost more than 35 kg… that means a lot….in 17 moths I consider myself a winner every single day. I live one day at a time!
That´s all…….. I ´m leaving some pictures from one of my training day……. And don´t forget #nopain #nogain. All of what i´ve been able to do, would not be possible whitout some very important help : my family , Isabel Soares,Faustino Soares, Dad. Friends Gilda Lucas Tyenne Cabral (gym work).Friend and Personal Trainer Catia Lorena Lima Coelho. Moral Support Janet Citron, Lenira Carvalho, José Luis Martins Friends and therapistCleusa Barros Adilson Paulo Pina Ribeiro. Bloggers that showed me a new world Mel Soares, Célia Soares , Bazar Maggnífico, Everything Curvy and Chic, Renata Poskus, Naturally Fashionable, and so on!
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