Wednesday, January 17, 2018



Chegou , chegou, a 1ª Diva do Ano - Doce Janeiro
Esse ano, com certeza não iremos falhar nenhum mês. 
Meiga, doce, acanhada, mas dona de um olhar que nos cativa, a nossa Lolly é a Diva mais nova que já tivemos até esta. 
Apesar de se encontrar numa fase crítica, onde qualquer característica fora daquilo que consideramos "normal", ela é um exemplo de quem não se deixou abalar.  E com certeza esse exemplo, devemos seguir. 
 Segue o texto da nossa Diva: 
“Loriane Carvalho
Smp nfoi un mnna gordinha desd infanciamas nca tá mutu ligaba Pm nta atxaba ma nha corpo era bntuh i diferente d td minismas sima Nba tá cria pesoas fc tá criticam mas txeu un entra liceu msm czmas smp npoi na nha cabesa ma nha corpo cá tá difinim kel k mi he!
Nha beleza pod cá ser fisicamente mas pá dentu k tá contai Kela smp ke nha motivason nca tá xint vergonha d nha corpo nunca nta ama nha corpo d forma k el he i nta continúa tá amal smp.”


1st Diva of the Year - Sweet January

This year we will certainly not miss a month.

Gentle, sweet, shy, but with a look that captivates us, our Lolly is the youngest Diva we have ever had until now.

Although it is in a critical phase, where any characteristic outside of what we consider "normal", she  is an example of who was not shaken. And surely this example, we must follow.

 Follow the text of our Diva:

“ Loriane Carvalho
I always been chubby since I was a child, but, it was ok to me , because I always thought that my body was beautiful and different  from any body else. As long I start growing up, people start criticize me, on high school  it was the same , but I put in my head that my body doesn´t define who I´m.
My beauty may be not physical , but inside it´s what matters, at that is what motivates me, and I won´t fell shy off my body , never, I love my body the way it is and I will still love it always. 


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